Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Letter

I have never applied to college. I have never applied to for a job. In short, I have never had to wait basically helpless for a decision I care so much about, that is until this past month. All of March and the beginning of April I have been waiting desperately to find out whether I got into SYA China (school year abroad), an opportunity to go live in China for a full 9 months!!! For a person like me who has a constant itch to travel and see new things, this was an opportunity of a life time, and I sent in my application praying I would be accepted. Well yesterday, after a long month of nerves, break downs, and some serious "basket-case" moments, the letter arrived. I was at play practice and my mom opened it with me on the phone... IT SAID YES!!! I imagine I would have been quite a sight bouncing around and screaming my lungs off, but honestly it was such an amazing feeling. My mom was a little sad sounding and told me that it was a "bittersweet" moment for her. I'd be doing something that would incredible and life changing, but I would be gone and she would miss me (I'm going to miss her a TON as well). But this morning I saw one of many examples of how lucky I am to have parents who love me. Even though my mom really does not want me to go, this morning when I came downstairs she was filling out the forms for me to go. I have to admit I got a little teary (though this may also have had to do with the fact that when I come downstairs in the morning my dog greets me by biting my hands...). it was incredibly sweet of her though and it just goes to show parents aren't always that bad ;).

But that was just the beginning! Once I got to school everyone was so AMAZING and supportive. Also, I can honestly say I have the BEST friends in the entire world. They really don't want me to leave but their enthusiasm and support were completely genuine. I love them to death (you know who you are).

Anyway I am a little sleep deprived (thanks AP history :P) and need to fit in some serious REM cycles...
Until next time- Julia
PS. It is currently 10:21 AM in Beijing!!!

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