Tuesday, August 5, 2008

30 Days

China, China, China. It seems to be everywhere.
When I go past a newspaper or magazine rack the word CHINA is the first thing I see. There is an excess of articles about the Olympics, the pollution, and the general excitement surrounding it this year.
It's all I talk about, it's all my parents talk about, it's what my friends dread to talk about, but it seems to come up all the time anyway.
Every time I see something even slightly Asian themed, be it a book or dress or picture, I gravitate towards it, hoping perhaps it can give me some clue of what I am in for next year.
I have taken out half the books in my library about China hoping to familiarise myself enough with its history, people, and customs that I won't completely fall on my face and embarrass myself with my own ignorance when I arrive.
Every day I listen to Chinese language tapes so that when I get there I won't sound completely demented and ridiculous. However, it is highly likely that I will end up sounding like an American idiot who clearly doesn't belong even with my best efforts. I will continue to try and learn anyway.
It is clear from all of this that I have become a little tiny bit China obsessed.
Anyway, less than 1 month left til my departure. I am undeniably nervous, but becoming more and more excited to meet my new classmates and explore my new home. I know this next month of tedious preparations and difficult goodbyes will be hard, but I also can see that once I'm there, it's all going to be worth it.
Til' next time,

Song of the Week: Cecilia by Simon & Garfunkel

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