Wednesday, August 20, 2008

15 Days

These late summer days seem to slip through my fingers no matter how hard I try to hold on to them. 15 days until China, 2 weeks until I leave for California. I can't decide whether I want these days to move a little quicker so I can just get there already, or if I want to put them into slow motion so they last a bit longer. It's been a little interesting :).

The one thing that makes me feel so much better about leaving is having conversations with some of people going with me next year. They are all so nice and I can't wait to meet them! It's amazing to find yourself talking to a total stranger (who won't be a stranger for long) and find out how many things you have in common. I've talked to people who like the same music and movies, but I've also talked to people who share the same sorts of worries and concerns. They have the same hopes for next year- to learn Chinese (obviously), but then deeper ones too like understanding more of the world and to push themselves to become better people.

Well my bed is calling me and tomorrow my empty suit case awaits. TIme to start packing!

Until next time,

My friend suggested I change Song of the Week to Song of the Day because I write these a little irregularly so here goes

Song of the Day: Calling You by Blue October

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